UN NGO Sustainability, Inc.

The integration of the three components of sustainable development: economic development, social development and environmental protection/renewable energy. We also seek to build an understanding of how the different parts of the United Nations promote sustainable development. We pay particular attention to renewable energy projects and women's empowerment.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Articles of Interest (Energy & Women's Issues)

Below please find several summaries for articles of interest and their corresponding links. 

“Financial News We Would Love to See"
While the recent financial crisis already provoked many policy reforms, undesirable economic situations remain, which still require change. One reform many hope to see passed by Congress is a bipartisan energy bill, which would eliminate inefficient subsidies for ethanol production, remove import taxes on Caribbean cane ethanol, add a one dollar per gallon gas tax, mandate that all federal agencies use vehicles that run on natural gas and impose a carbon tax to encourage cleaner energy usage; however, this bill is unlikely to pass.

“Delicate Planet”
This article concluded that people are not united in their efforts to save the planet. The book, The View From Lazy Point by Carl Safina shows this interconnectedness of people and nature. The book calls on people to live a more environmentally considerable life in order to prevent human-caused environmental catastrophe.

“Siemens Invests in Expanding Wind Power”
Siemens’ hopes to become one of the top suppliers of the wind power equipment in the world. In order to succeed, the company needs to enter Chinese markets, the current largest wind power market in the world. Entering Chinese market poses a challenge to Simens, due to local government policies favoring Chinese companies.

"Muslim Women Gain Higher Profile in U.S."
Muslim-American women are redefining what it means to be Muslim, Middle-Eastern and American by breaking gender and racial stereotypes. Because American society makes it much easier for women to obtain leadership roles--at work, academically and socially--these women are achieving high levels of success, unmatched elsewhere. This article portrays several women’s achievements at maintaining both their Islamic culture within America and serving as exceptional examples of female leadership.

“China’s Push Into Wind Worries U.S. Industry”
Chinese-owned wind companies plan a “big push” into the American wind power industry in a few months. Already able to generate more wind power (43 gigawatts, enough to power over 10 million homes) than any U.S. company, China is rapidly becoming  a world leader in the renewable energy sector. American sustainable energy proponents are debating on the impact this push will have on the American renewable energy sector. Some believe that because only 2 percent of America’s demand for electricity comes from wind power, Chinese businesses will not find success in the U.S.A. Others, alternatively, fear that the renewable/ sustainable energy sector will continue to fall into foreign hands, since Denmark, Germany, Japan and India already own the biggest clean energy companies in America. Some believe that new renewable energy companies, whether foreign or domestic, will create new jobs, which America’s economy desperately needs. Regardless of the differing opinions, it seems that Chinese investment into the U.S.’s sustainable energy sector will generate heated debates and perhaps significantly change.

“California Approves Stringent Pollution Curbs”
On Thursday, December 16, 2010, California regulators passed rules to curb emissions of greenhouse gases. The program will eventually cover 360 Californian businesses and lower emissions by 2 percent each year. Californians improved and expanded an “allowance and credit” system currently used by New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and several New England states (REGGI). Each business receives an allowance that their emissions must remain below. Alternatively, companies may buy allowance credits from other polluters to cover their excess emissions. Investor-owned utilities must auction their free allowances. Their auction proceeds either subsidize energy-efficient programs or are given to costumers in the form of rebates to balance any price increases they may experience due to the new rules.

"Green tech a priority for many state companies"
General Electric and other Connecticut corporations are taking faster track of changing their policies to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions.  For example, ESPN follows and reports its emissions as to how much the company uses water and carbon dioxide.  ESPN attempts to reduce their emission figures. In light of this, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency wants companies that are emitting more than 25,000 tons of greenhouse gasses a year to report their emissions.  
“Weather Monitoring Company Turns to Greenhouse Gases”
AWS Convergence Technologies of Maryland, one of the largest of weather monitoring companies, announced its proposal for “Earth Networks,” a plan which over the next five years will put a network of 100 greenhouse gas sensors around the globe.  The main goal of the plan is to measure the density and level of greenhouse gas data in real-time measurements at the national and regional level, using a technique that combines actual atmospheric data with the real-time weather information.Source
“Save Energy, Save Our Troops”
In the past nine years, around 1,000 Americans have been killed on fuel-related missions in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Thus, new energy efficient policies developed by the Defense Department would reduce the death toll, save billions of dollars, and allow the United States to be less dependent on foreign oil.  

Friday, January 21, 2011

Board Meeting, December 8, 2010

On December 8, 2010 NGO Sustainability, Inc. held their monthly Board Meeting at Jefferies, Inc., New York, NY.

Board Members Roma Stibravy (President), Harriet Schmidt (Vice President, via Conference Call), Elisabeth Kovac (Secretary), Marita Rosado (Treasurer), Jesse Pichel, Frank Pinto, Karin Shampoo, and William Stibravy attended the meeting.

Interns Gonzalo Aragon, Natalia Faryna and Magdalena Garczynski also were present.

Board Member, Jesse Pichel of Jefferies, Inc. invited his three colleagues--Connie Wang, Elaine Kwei and Min Xu--to offer insight into the investment sector of renewable energy.

Two topics worth noting discussed at the Meeting were the Conference on Climate Change Negotiations, Cancun, Mexico and private sector initiatives regarding renewable energy.

Frank Pinto, former UN employee, reported on the Cancun Climate Change negotiations. Ban Ki Moon opened the session with a plea to move the negotiation process forward. The Mexican President tried to put a low profile on Cancun, unlike Copenhagen where expectations were raised too high. The Mexican President has thus said that they are not targeting specific emissions levels, pointed to the following three agreements: the Green Fund, how developing countries can get the needed technology, and protecting the forest.

Jesse Pichel reported on the private renewable energy sector. Present renewable energy stocks are not doing well because the capital markets are not working efficiently. The industry’s concern are the negative changes in government support. Costs of solar energy in other countries, such as China, are decreasing much more rapidly than expected. Therefore, China is becoming a real competitor in the renewable energy market.

Min Xu is currently working in the LED (light emitting diodes) sector. LED lights save costs and reduce pollution. Non- LED lights compose 20 percent of everyday energy consumption. LEDs may save billions of kilowatt-hours. LEDs are pretty low cost without government subsidies, but these companies hope that government will still back them. Our NGO is hoping to use LED lights, instead of solar lanterns, in our Liberia Project. This change would make the project cutting edge and current.    

UN NGO Sustainability, Inc. hopes this new technology could be used in our developing world projects.

The Board and Interns (from left):
Karin Shampoo, Elisabeth Kovac (Secretary) , Jesse Pichel,
Roma Stibravy (President), Maggie Garczynski (Intern),
Bill Stibravy, Marita Rosado (Treasurer) 

The Board and Interns (from left):
Frank Pinto, Karin Shampoo, Elisabeth Kovac (Secretary),
Jesse Pichel,  Roma Stibravy (President) 

Roma Stibravy, President